Friday, September 5, 2008

Onsite studies 5

12:40pm we arrive at Raffles Place MRT just to be greeted by the lunch time crowd.

The crowd there is thick and constantly in a hurry. The crowd is made up of offic workers from nearby office towers. The cafeteria area was crowded as well, i've never seen so many people use tissue packets to reserve seats before. There are alot of noise all over the place as well, shops blasting their music, throngs of people walking and talking.

After the rush hour around 3pm to 5 pm, this place is a ghost town. Shop keepers look bored, because there are no people walking around. other than security patrols and cleaners.

Alot of security guards patrol the area, and also security cameras all over the place... but we didn't get stopped or anything while filming the area.

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